let me dictate you on what's there to celebrate about:
1) there's one more day of exams and then, we're FREE
5) we've striked 8 papers off the list
6) its a birthday month in may
7) i took funny photos of alicia, and a video of her sucking on the milkbottle we gave her ^^
8) lunch with kaiying can be so hilarious, both of us laugh till our sides hurt or i spit my drinks out -.-
9) i feel like going out often during june
10) lastly, i can't believe i'm going to be as old as alicia soon. its a simile! :D
yup, so it was chinese today.
i started mugging yesterday (like what i've did for all the exams except for geog)
i think this mye might really tell me what's my potential or something o.O
i mean last minute mugging for all subjects?
i've never really done that besides sec2 history xD
oh anyway, i've still got alot of chinese terms stuck in my head now;
i can't seem to get them out! =X
okay so chinese paper was soso. although the mcq was difficult. generally..mid-okay.
eeks i don't want to talk about chinese,
then we went to GO to present alicia her...TADA!
birthday present! (:
she dug out the ORANGE fbt first,
and it looks like underwear xDD
then the milkbottle!
thanks kaiying for filling it with ribena, and sorry for rushing you ):
alicia doesn't know how to suck on milk bottles!
she took 10 minutes to suck like a few ml, until we told her to bite on it :D
i've got a video on it and i'm going to post it youtube soon hahahaha!
and then here's the pictures of our dear birthdaygirl with her presents!
a cute monkey with a ribena milkbottle! x3
ORANGE FBTs! too bad it weren't spongebob aye!
okay so me terie alicia kaiying cindy siyun annia went down the hill! :D
then after that ky and i had lunch. early lunch at yoshinoya
i wonder why don't i ever get sick of it =/
anyway, we were laughing so much, just thinking of beijing and 2d.
hahaha, we had SO much funny stuff to talk about beijing and at the point of time where i imitated ashley and went like "*whoever* is so cuttte!" with that *sigh* and puppydog look, kaiying laughed so much she couldn't swallow her food!
i almost spit f&n grape out of my mouth when we remembered all our zongjimima games, and how we went to each other's rooms and isabel kicked ky out of the bed, and how the tapwater were yellow, about how much jiaozi i ate and how much rice isabel wanted xD
and then we were like, "ahhh, so nostalgic"
those were the times..and again, I MISS BEIJING LOADS.
littlegirl. japboy. hotels. food. changcheng. takingpictures. bustrips. sleeping late. the journals. waking each other up. climbing changcheng. the tourguide. getting lost. bargaining.
can i go back to that time again ):
yup so we spent like 2 hours there talking, and went to urban concept to look at cute and eeeekk stuff haha!
yupyup, and i can't wait for tomorrow! =3
right i'm going to like do maths or something, blog tomorrow? ^^
presenting to you...
ain't she just so uber super chao cute!
and the two bears!
okay yay lets do maths T.T
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